Inspired by fashion, product design, natural shapes, or even architecture, we love to craft unique visual experiences using our favorite medium, 3D tools. We carefully design each element and develop tailor-made solutions, from idea to production, to unveil a new brand, launch a product or explain a concept.
We both have an insatiable curiosity for exploring new visual territories, and we always want to challenge ourselves and experiment with new techniques to create high-quality, eye-catching imagery.
Our work is playful, uplifting, and always filled with emotion; together, we are Get It Studio, since 2017.
Selected features
Selected exhibitions
2023 — Ultra Super New Gallery Tokyo
2022 — Almost Perfect Tokyo
2022 — Art Geneva
2023 — Adobe Max Los Angeles
2023 — Flair Lausanne
2022 — Pecha Kucha Tokyo
Interested in working together?
Get in touch!